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Introducing YouOrMe

Settle the debate! Discover who you look like more with our free app, YouOrMe. Our advanced facial technology helps determine your resemblance with your family.

Introducing YouOrMe

Settle the debate!

In our childhood, each of us has definitely had a tussle with our siblings over who resembles our mom or dad more. At times we wonder about their nature and specific features which we have inherited. There is always one relative at family functions or social gatherings that sparks a debate over whom you take after the most. Finally, the discussion ends here – all the speculations coming to a halt with one single app. We are proud to introduce YouOrMe, an innovative app that uses facial recognition technology to estimate who you resonate with more, your mother or your father.

How Does YouOrMe Work?

As discussed earlier, YouOrMe is an app that uses facial recognition technology to compare an individual’s photo with their parents’ photos and determine who the individual resembles more. Furthermore, it is a simple and convenient procedure which gives you the results in few simple steps - 

  1. Upload the photo : Make sure it is a clear, front facing photo of your parents and yourself. Try to pick an image with the least accessories so our AI model can capture the most of you.

  2. Facial Recognition : Let our AI model perform its magic and use advanced technology to scan the photos and analayze facial features such as eye shape, nose, mouth, etc.

  3. Results : Gear up to see the results and know who you actually resemble more with – mom or daddy. It is to be noted that these may not be completely accurate.

YouOrMe is completely free to use and does not carry any hidden charges. It is your prideful moment to end all debates and hail victorious over your siblings. You will fall in love with YouOrMe because it is :-

  • Fun and Engaging 

  • Easy and Quick to use 

  • Creates wonderful memories 

  • Not hidden behind a paywall

  • Safe and Secure 

Let us not waste anymore time and jump into the app to answer the question - Whose face have you really got? Try the YouOrMe app here  and decode who you look like the most!

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If you love our app and want to share the same joy with numerous families over the globe, upvote us on Product Hunt. Your support really makes a difference and motivates us to keep working harder. Your contribution will give us the additional push that it required towards improving and refining the app. 

Every vote counts and it is absolutely free, so support our initiative on Product Hunt here

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